Tuesday, August 3, 2010



Israeli name
In Israeli, the name John means- god is gracious, merciful.
Other origins for the name John include - Israeli, American.
The name John is most often used as a boy name or male name.

Israeli Name Meaning - god is gracious, merciful

American name

In American, the name John means- Jehovah has been gracious;
has shown favor. From the Greek name Iohannes.
In the Bible John the Baptist baptized Christ in the Jordan river.
Variants have been created in almost every language..
Other origins for the name John include - American, Israeli.
The name John is most often used as a boy name or male name.

American Name Meaning - Jehovah has been gracious; has shown favor.
From the Greek name Iohannes.
In the Bible John the Baptist baptized Christ in the Jordan river.
Variants have been created in almost every language.

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