Saturday, May 29, 2010

family ties.. ♥

To have the BITCHES

is a simple way of saying

YOU'RE blessed with friends but to know

more of THEM is a quote of testifying

BITCHES is a small family.

We are BITCHES...
We are your family...
Still an old cliche would be proven and tested....

" a family that prays together, stays forever.."

May this poem inspires us to love more our family and each other BITCHES...♥


I think about those I do not see,
Sensing that they too think of me.

So many miles I have strayed,
When I could have simply stayed.

Merely to expand the bond,
To make new memories far beyond.

Life's choices find us miles apart,
Ever close with the beat of my heart.

To relive in my minds eye,
Keeps them close and always near by.

Memories gathered from the start,
Forever alive within my heart.

My message is so simple and small.
Those three words most important of all,

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